Sunday, May 30, 2004

Conflict resolution (2)

Seldom do I get into conflicts with my colleagues. If it happens, though, I have a way out that works wonders. When faced with an anxious or angry person who is telling me how much I am at fault or how wrong I am, I say "Good point." Or "I see what you mean." Or "You may be right."

I don't have to back down. I don't have to say that my colleague is 100% correct. I don't have to admit fault. Usually, though, acknowledging that part of what my opponent says is true disarms him. He realizes that I am not blindly resisting, that I am listening. He realizes that I am not an enemy, out to get him, or make him look bad. Usually the level of antagonism or tension drops significantly. I can follow with "I just figured that..." and calmly give my side.

So, when in a heated argument, try telling your opponent that he has just made a good point. It works to calm him down and makes him more likely to acknowledge your point of view.

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